Congratulations to this year’s cohort of graduates of Information and Communications Technology! I am very happy to see your great work in the Final Year Projects to be displayed in the Graduation Exhibition.
Technically, your projects have demonstrated well what you have learned, which included computer programming and software project management, web and cloud-based systems, Internet of Things (IoT), Mobile Applications, Cyber Security, Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, etc. This is the knowledge based that you can now rely on as a springboard for your future endeavor.
But more importantly, your projects also showed your creativity and innovation, resource management skills, critical thinking, and care for society. The selected projects to represent the ICT programme this year in the Graduation Exhibition are remarkable in terms of both the original intention and the final execution of your plans.
I am proud of you. I look forward to seeing you, now our alumni, taking your places in society and contribute to it well in the future.